Sunday, June 28, 2009

The Garden

The garden is picking up. We have some tomatoes coming on, some squash, green beans, corn is growing, sunflowers, and watermelon. All the rain we had the last couple of weeks made the garden really take off! I'm excited to see how it ends up doing. Since it was pretty much a learning experience, I have already learned a few things to improve the quality of next years garden if we get to do it at the church again. I weeded at the garden yesterday. I got some sunburn on an awkward butt-crack. Yes, my crack was hanging out. HAHA. But at least I got the weeds taken care of and the garden looks so much better.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

1st Garden

A local church decided to donate some of their land for church members and non members to use for garden plots. Each plot is 20'x20'. Our neighbor, Barb, who has been great to us is a member at the church. She told us about the garden plots and gave us an application. We got a spot and have been gardening for about a month now. I must admit that our garden is not doing as well as I had hoped. As a first time gardener I guess I should have known that I should not expect so much from it. I planted some corn, green beans, squash, watermelons, sun flowers, pinto beans, and zuchini. the tomatoes were the only thing I planted that were not from seed and I didnt plant anything until mid may. I guess it was kinda late, I dunno. Mainly it was meant for prectice. Of course we will eat anything that grows in it but I just thought it woukld be good practice since we will be growing all of our own food when we finally get our own land. Even just 20'x20' is alot of work. especially since the church does not have water available so I have to haul my own in buckets. And, it's a 10 minute drive from our apartment. Still, it's been a great learning experience and even though alot of work it's alot of fun. I'm excited to see how well it does.